Herban Wellness Bulk Herbs and Powders

Seeking the Spirit in Our Herbal Allies

Written by guest writer and herbalist Taylor Jeffers for Herban Wellness.
Edited and contributed to by Katya Difani.
Just as we are multi-dimensional beings, plants have been layers to their beings. One of the elements that is not as often talked about is the use of plants as spiritual and emotional allies on our healing journeys. Many plants have been used throughout time for their nonphysical benefits. The development and use of Flower Essences is one such way in the modern world that we use plants more for their energetic properties, but essential oils, resins, woods, and leaves, can be utilized this way as well, by burning for incense or smudging, or by placing certain plants on our being as annointing oils or in pouches. Just as easily, however, many of these plants can be utilized as teas or put into baths to call upon these comforting and healing properties. Here are a few plants that can be utilized in such a way, with purpose and intention.
Devil’s Club – The Fiercely Armored Warrior

This plants’ latin name is Oplopanax horridus which translates to Fiercely Armored Warrior and that kind of spirit is what herbalists love to use Devil’s Club for. When someone is in need of the energy to fight or help strengthen “the backbone” of a person, we call upon Devil’s Club. This may show up in your life during chronic illness when your vitality is lying low or when going through an emotional battle that requires a strong stance and healthy boundaries. This native adaptogen grows as a strong colony that networks its roots together to keep all members of the family healthy and with the help of large thorns encasing all parts of the plant (yes, even the leaves!), no one would dare to get too close. Harvesting this plant is done with great respect and care. One can gain Devil’s Club’s unique energetic medicine by taking a few drops of tincture as needed, simmering into water to drink as a tea, carrying a few pieces of the root bark with you in a pouch, or by meditatively engaging with the plants’ spirit.
Rose – A Soft Opening to the Heart

Oh, rose! Such sweetness comes from this plant. Its link to love, romance, and the heart is well-known. Rose speaks of grace, softness, and reassurance when dealing with matters of the emotional heart. Nerves that are frazzled by trauma or a heart that is weighed down by grief or loss would find comfort in Rose. Rose softens the edges around the pain of our past hurts allowing us to feel uplifted, cared for, and open to new possibilities. A rose glycerite or infused honey is a lovely way to engage with this energy. Or maybe you prefer the aroma of rose essential oil on your heart chakra or around you. You can find a wide variety of rose preparations in our store.
Yarrow – The Protector

Yarrow is a plant with historical notations dating back to when Greek mythology was in full force. The lore associated with this plant tells us that protection is what Yarrow stands for. This humble woundwort is capable of sewing up the ‘holes’ in your energy field so that you may safely interface with the energetic world without consuming the sorrows of others or be drained by remaining in a porous state. Yarrow offers us protection in any vulnerable state we may find ourselves in. These qualities are best utilized by bathing in Yarrow (add some fresh or dried plant material to your bath), drinking the tea, or taking a few drops of the tincture or flower essence. You may find placing Yarrow around your home or on your altar helps maintain a space you desire.

Mugwort – The Guide to Wisdom

Given many names, this plant that is highly regarded and upheld in the herbal community. Mugwort is well known for invoking a strong connection to Spirit by engaging the intuitive and creative forces of the mind. Use her wisely and with intention to tap into your subconscious for answers to your waking life questions. Adding Mugwort to your nightly tea or dream pillow is helpful to induce dreams that are vivid so that you may unravel the wisdom they contain more readily. The infused oil that we carry at Herban Wellness can be used before bed, meditation, or during a woman’s moontime (menstrual cycle) to relax the body and enhance psychic forces. Smudging can also help to purify the energy of your space.

Vervain – The Enchanters Herb

Across time, Vervain has been revered for its’ magical properties well documented by Druid priests and witches. In Western Europe, the protective nature of this plant was called upon by placing around the home or carried by anyone seeking protection from evils, especially the ill will of another. Today we look to Vervain when we feel overwhelmed by the pressures in life, leading us to a constant state of frustration. This plant is paramount to lessening the physical burden of high ideals and mental tension. Consumed most often as a tincture or flower essence, the tea is also beneficial, although bitter in taste.

Frankincense – The Purifier

Frankincense has been used to restore connection to Spirit, while instilling a sense of faith and trust in the inner workings of life. We have all been through stressful times that can provoke a state of mind that is weary, pessimistic, and always on guard. Frankincense is here to deeply center the mind and open us back up to the wisdom of the universe. Aromatherapy is a fantastic tool to utilize Frankincense best; look for the essential oil or real hand-rolled resin incense in our shop.

Agrimony – The Revealer

Unabiding truth and authenticity is the medicine that Agrimony carries. When we are unable to share our feelings or even acknowledge them, we are in need of Agrimony. Masking our emotions only worsens our pain and ultimately stems from the fear of vulnerability. Agrimony is historically used to redirect energy that is impeding our life force back to its’ original source by serving as a protective barrier between self and non-self energy. This protective barrier serves as an opportunity to tend to our true feelings rather than the feelings of others.

Calendula– The Empowerer

The bright and sunny flowers of Calendula bestow optimism in anyone who encounters it. This cheerful little plant is traditionally used to heal wounds of all kinds. Whether the skin or GI is inflamed, such as with ulcers or eczema, Calendula will soothe and heal. Calendula has an affinity for healing the solar plexus chakra, which is the energy center directly connected to digestion and our will power. To immerse yourself in the strengthening and cheerful energies of Calendula, utilize a daily cup of tea, a dose of tincture or the flower essence. Even putting the flowers in a bath can lift the mood.

Ocotillo – Realigning Purpose

Stagnation of our vital force often arises from a disconnect from Earth energies. Encouraging our lower chakras to remain open and in harmonious flow helps us to feel rooted in the Earth and grounded in our bodies. When blockages occur here we may feel unsafe and insecure resulting in overwhelming fear, which may also affect our sexual and creative energy. Ocotillo is the perfect ally to connect us to our core self, our basic needs, and our purpose and passions in life. Most often consumed as a tincture, taken in drop doses.

All of life is waiting to connect with us on a deeper level. Rather than viewing herbs as obsolete medicines, or only as physical medicines, try engaging with them in other ways that are meaningful. Ask our herbalists how else plants may serve you… you may be surprised to find out all that they have to offer.

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